POH Services
- overview
- on-site service delivery
- remote service delivery
- Consultancy
POH Services Include:
- Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Service
- Occupational Health & Safety Needs Assessment
- Absence Management Support
- Post Placement Health Assessment
- Workplace Mediation
- Stress Audit Services
- Training
Benefits To Your Company Include:
- Reassurance of compliance with current legislation
- Peace of mind
- Reduction in sickness absenteeism
- Improved productivity
POH philosophy is the delivery of OH services in a manner tailored to meet the client’s needs. This will take account of the nature and degree of exposure to occupational hazards, the number of employees and the number of sites.
Priority OH Ltd staff visit the site at agreed intervals:
- Provide one-to-one occupational health advice to both the employer and employees.
- Attend meetings and be involved in workplace risk assessments, or other appropriate occupational health activities identified in the service level agreement.
- Any necessary equipment will be provided by the client company, or by Priority OH Ltd, depending on the contract arrangements. The client provides suitable premises for the Occupational Health provider to use (i.e. private room with access to toilet facilities)
- Occupational Health records may be securely stored on site or retained by Priority OH Ltd.
- A named contact person within the client company liaises with Priority OH Ltd to arrange appointments, keep a “clinic diary”, receive reports etc.
Service delivery could include:
- Health surveillance – e.g. noise, vibration, dusts, fume, skin irritants
- Vision screening
- Sickness absence (case management)
- Post Placement screening
- Risk assessment
- Well person screening
- Vaccination programme
This is particularly appropriate for clients who do not require regular on-site services, but who need assistance with, for example, post placement assessment of fitness for work, or management of absent employees (Case Management).
- Occupational health records are securely stored by Priority OH Ltd.
- A named contact person/persons within the client company liaises with a named contact person within Priority OH Ltd to refer cases, discuss progress of managed cases, receive reports etc.
- Priority OH Ltd works with GP’s and/or other relevant health professionals to obtain medical reports, and advise the client company on the management of employees in relation to fitness for work.
Remote service delivery could include:
- Post placement questionnaire assessment
- Sickness absence (case management)
Consultancy usually requires a combination of site visits and off-site work, and precise details for the project management will be discussed and agreed prior to the commencement of any work.
Consultancy services could include:
- Strategic business review
- Occupational health audit
- Occupational health needs assessment
- Stress management – training, risk assessment, audit
- Occupational hygiene
- Training
- Risk assessment
Priority OH Ltd offers a Needs Assessment to clients where assistance is needed in identifying the nature of occupational health services required. This structured analysis of organisational health needs offers your organisation a structured programme for risk management and health risk reduction.